Thursday, March 25, 2010

Automatic door Flow chart

The door will look like this.

The door uses a motion sensor which is located 1 meter away from the door. When someone brakes the beam the doors open immediately. The person has 15 seconds to go through the door. If a leaf or something light breaks the beam it will still open. No matter how heavy something is it can go through anytime. The beam is 7 cm above ground. That means that no small creature can pass. The beam is 2 centimeters thick

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What did we do for the past few days?????

We were designing the sliding door. We had to make an appropriate door for the entrance. On power point we designed them and then we had to explain how it worked in our evaluation. We did minimum 4-5 designs some people did more and crazier once that are inappropriate. I was one of them. It was fun thinking of the most modern/newest doors. We worked on them on Wednesday and Thursday last week.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Analysis of the Task

What do you need to know before you can start this project and how can you find out about them?
What you need to know:
What a sliding door is.
How they work.
What a sensor is.
How a semsor works.
.......and anything else you don't know.
How you can find out:
.......and other things you can come up with.